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Light Trucks: More than Just Transportation

Light trucks, also known as pickup trucks, are classified as those cargo trucks with a Gross Vehicle Weight Ranking (GVWR) of less than 8,500 pounds. These trucks, in contrast to their counterpart heavy-duty trucks, can carry around less than 4,000 pounds of merchandise and goods.

Thanks to their lightweight capacity, affordability, and fuel economy, light cargo trucks aren’t just meant for transporting cargo. In fact, if you decide to get creative, there’s so much more to do with light trucks.

Interested to find out the many ways you can enjoy a light truck? Read below to explore and get started!

Creative Uses of Light Cargo Trucks

Here are some of the fun ways to use your light trucks and do more than just transport!

Go Camping

Camping is fun until you’re bitten by the bugs! If you don’t go camping because the grass and bugs annoy you, try using your light cargo truck. You can park your light truck anywhere you like, pitch the camp, and erect it. Enjoy the night under the sky and over your comfy light truck bed.

Garden on the Go

Whether you decide to park it outside your home or take it out on your trips, a garden on the go is absolutely possible on a light cargo truck. Just make some necessary adjustments, and you can enjoy the haute culture anywhere and everywhere.

Friends on the back of a pickup truck

Make an RV

Recreational vehicles (RV) are extremely popular amongst youngsters. RVs have long dominated the leisure road transportation segment, allowing teenagers and youngsters to live on the go, have a fun life, and become free-spirited. However, not everyone can afford an RV.

So if you have an old light cargo truck (or you can buy a new for at affordable prices, too), convert your light cargo truck into a fun and chic RV.

Mobile Restaurant

Not every entrepreneur has the means to lease a nice property and set up a restaurant in an exclusive neighborhood. But if you get creative, you can do the unthinkable. Convert your light cargo truck into a mobile restaurant and go to your customers every day. Cost-effective and fun, this mobile restaurant is surely a million-dollar idea.

Or Start Any Business

And not just a restaurant. You can start any business on your light cargo truck. You can set up a fresh produce shop, an apparel shop, a shop for handmade crafts, or any other merchandise. Light trucks are quite flexible and can be an affordable place to start your entrepreneurial journey.

Live on the Go

There’s no end to the fun with a light cargo truck. You can practically live on the go and make a small cabin on your light truck back. Perfect for road trips, vacations, and parties, a light cargo truck is one of the best investments you can make.

Now you can also order light van cargo truck online, light cargo vans, and a wide range of Sino trucks from us at Sinoturk. Get in touch with us to order online right away.


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